Fall 1997, CDA4101, Assignment 5

Due Wednesday 12/3 at the start of class

You are to write a program in Ada, C, C++, Java, Pascal, PC Assembler, or VAX Assembler that simulates a 2-way set-associative cache, using the LRU page replacement policy. Do not use Perl, Awk, Visual Basic, COBOL, Lisp, Prolog, SmallTalk, RPG, Lotus Script, Visual FoxPro, etc.

You may assume that the memory size of the computer is 1K, the block size is 4 bytes, the cache will have 32 slots, and each slot can hold two different entries.

At a later date, I will supply an input file consisting of 10-bit addresses, one per line. The file will have a format like this:


You will read each line and determine if the address is in the cache.

The above addresses would have the following tag and slot
Address Tag Slot
0101001010 010 10010
1100100101 110 01001
0001101001 000 11010
1111011010 111 10110

Here is what the output should be:

An example of the output for the above addresses might be

0101001010 : Slot 18 Tag 2 is in Slot 18 Entry 0
1100100101 : Slot 9 Tag 6 will be loaded into Slot 9 Entry 1 from address 1100100100
0001101001 : Slot 26 Tag 0 will be loaded into Slot 26 Entry 0 from address 0001101000
1111011010 : Slot 22 Tag 7 is in Slot 22 Entry 1

Of course, whether or not the address is in the cache, and which entry it is in will depend on the state of the cache.

For the page replacement policy use LRU.