Assignment 4, CDA4101, Summer A 1998

Due Thursday 6/11 at the start of class.

  1. (1 point) Explain how the SMASK register is used in the microprogram.
  2. Suppose that the ROM that holds the microprogram is 512 words instead of 256. This means that an address into the ROM would need 9 bits.
  3. The design of the hardware of Figure 4-10 has an N bit and a Z bit. Suppose you are to add the O bit and V bit from the previous assignment.
  4. The following two macroinstructions are to be added to the Mac-1 language of Figure 4-14:
    AND direct, ac := ac AND m[x]
    AND local, ac := ac AND m[sp + y]

    You are to modify the machine instructions to include these new instructions. You decide what the operation code for each should be. You will change (and move one of???) the local instructions (LODL, ADDL, STOL, SUBL) to accommodate these new instructions, but you must follow these rules:

    Give me the following for this new architecture

  5. (4 points) Draw the PLA for figure 4-19. Assume you have a 4-input, 13-output PLA. The input lines are for the four bits of the op code, the 13 output lines are the labels at the top of the figure. Notice that only 15 combinations of the inputs are needed. So the PLA should have four input lines, 15 AND gates and 13 OR gates. Draw the PLA, it will be easier than drawing all the circuits. Only draw the input lines that you need.
  6. (2 points) What is the difference in size for Mic-2 (pages 200-201) if a nanostore is used? Include the size of the new control store and the nanostore in your calculation.