default shoulder/undefined.html #A polygon for the trapezius muscle. poly shoulder/trapezius.html 54,147 72,81 121,7 149,55 96,69 #A circle for the deltoid muscle (region "B") circle shoulder/deltoid.html 134,122 96,78 #A rectangle for the triceps muscle (region "C") rect shoulder/triceps.html 63,170 102,287 #A rectangle for the brachialias and biceps muscles (region "D") rect shoulder/brachialis.html 102,192 151,287 #A rectangle for the serratus anterior muscles (region "E") rect shoulder/serratus.html 151,179 183,259 #A polygon for the pectoralis muscle (region "F") poly shoulder/pectoralis.html 185,274 184,136 184,93 158,65 189,74 234,185