CGS3990, Fall 1998, Perl Assignment 1

Due Thursday 9/3 at the start of class

Read chapter 2 of the Perl book. Write a PERL script that will do the following

Here is a sample of the output

Please enter something: 12we3
Please enter something else: 3er4

Here is the input
	something: "12we3

	something else: "3er4


Here is input after chomp
	something: "12we3"
	something else: "3er4"

Here is the input treated as numbers
	something: "12"
	something else: "3"
	12 + 3 = 15

Here is the input treated as strings, and concatenated
        "12we3" . "3er4" = 12we33er4

Here is the first repeated the second number of times
	"12we3" x "3" = "12we312we312we3"

Where is Perl????

On solix the command for Perl will be

On mongoose the command for Perl will be

Creating and Running the program

Handing it in