CGS3990, Fall 1998, Assignment 5

Due Tuesday 10/27 at the start of class

Implement all of the following in either mime.types, httpd.conf, srm.conf, or access.conf. Do not implement the following in .htaccess files.

  1. Enable  fancy indexes for all directories.
  2. Create a directory in your document root named ipaddress that only allows access from the following IP addresses. In other words, even you won't have access to this directory, just me!
  3. Create a directory in your document root named valid that only allows access from valid users. The only valid users will be me and thee.
  4. Add a mime type to your sever.
  5. Add a virtual host to your server. Use the next sequential port to the one you were assigned (or the previous one). If the virtual host directive isn't working properly on mongoose, try using the statement <VirtualHost *:port>, where port is your new virtual host port number. Ignore the error message you get when you restart the server. Be sure to Listen to your old port as well as your new port.
  6. Add language encoding to your original server
  7. Create your own error messages