CGS3993, Assignment 5

Due Tuesday 3/30 at the start of class

You are to write several scripts for me. Add links to your server page to each script. Hand in a printout of each script.

For scripts 2 and 3 you will need to use the split and join functions.

Script 1

Write a script that will allow a user from your site to send you an e-mail message using the script

You are to create a very nice form that acts as a frontend (or gateway) to the script. Read the section in the book about the script on pages 417 to 420. Check out feedback.html online.

Script 2

Write a script that does the following

Script 3

Allow the user to enter the following

The first time this form is displayed, it should show a form where the user can fill in the above information.

When this information is submitted, the script should verify that each name has been filled in, that a color has been selected, and that at least one hobby has been selected. If not, redisplay the page with appropriate error messages. Be sure that the users previous choices are still visible.

If all the information is correct, use the last name as the key, and add all the user's information to a database file. If the user's last name is already in the file then this information will overwrite the user's previous information. As more people fill out the information, the database file will grow in size. Redisplay the page with the user's choices still selected. Also display the user's information as text and display a link that will display the contents of the file.