CGS3993 Spring 1999 Website Management

Homework Grading Policy

Each assignment

0 to 20 points

Exams and Assignments
  Exam 1 Exam 2 Homework
% of Grade 30% 30% 40%
Dates Tue 2/23 Thu 4/22, 1240-1515 Various
How to Set Up and Maintain a Web Site, Second Edition, Lincoln Stein, Addison Wesley, 1997
Learning PERL, Second Edition, Schwartz, O'Reilly,1997
Room and Time
PC310 TR 1400-1515

Attendance I recommend that you attend every class. Those who attend class have a better chance of passing the course.

Prerequisites COP2210 or equivalent course, CGS3559 or equivalent kowledge.

Late Assignment Policy Assignments are due at the START of class. You lose 1 point off the grade for every 6 hours. You may hand in a nassignment up to 1 week late, I will start the grading for very late assignments at 10 points (50%).

Working Together on Assignments is NOT ALLOWED. There is a large difference between discussing general aspects of the course and discussing specific aspects of an assignment. Do not discuss your solution of a problem with others. Assignments that are too similar will not be graded. With a second occurrence, you will earn an F in the course.

Course Content - There will be four major areas for the course. I will try to divide the semester equally amongst these four areas, except for JavaScript which will only take a few weeks.

  1. Static browser scripting - HTML and Cascading Style Sheets

  2. Static server control - Configuring a web server

  3. Dynamic server side scripting - PERL and SSI

  4. Dynamic browser scripting - JavaScript

In a nutshell, you will learn about both sides of the web - the browser side and the server side. The browser side is partially covered in the Intro to the Internet prerequisite: HTML. You will learn some more HTML. You will also learn a programming language that is similar to C++ that is run from the browser, hence the programming language prerequisite. On the server side, you will learn how to configure a web server. You will run your own copy of a web server and investigate the how to restrict access to your server. You will also learn a programming language that is similar to C++ that runs on the server. Through the use of the programming languages that are run from the browser and the server, you will be able to have your web pages interact with the user.