COP3832, Fall 2001, Assignment 1

Due 9/19 at the start of class

To hand in the assignment, do the following

  1. Hand in a printout of the source code for the hw1.html file.
  2. Also, send me an e-mail message with the URL of your home page when the assignment is ready to be graded.
  3. Upload a copy of the hw1.html file using the ~downeyt/cs/public/webftp/ program. Use the -h option to find how to customize the program.

Follow these steps for the assignment. It must be completed on solix.

  1. Create a directory www on solix and set it up for web access: Creating a Web Directory on solix
  2. Create a subdirectory of your www directory
  3. The above procedure may not work from all ISP's. FIU doesn't like AOL, for instance. The following addition should work for all ISP's. If you only plan to connect through FIU, then these steps do not need to be done.
  4. Create a home page in your solix www directory.
  5. You are to create a web page that includes the following format. Save this as hw1.html in your COP3832 directory. Be sure that the permissions are set so that only you can read and write the file. Everyone else should not have any access to the file.