Fall 1999, COP3832, Assignment 4
Due Thursday, October 28 at the start of class
Virtual Host
Request an additional port for your server.
Requesting a port number
Create new error messages for the virtual host: 403, 404, 500.
Create two new directories
Add four files to the hw4 directory. Each file should represent a page in
a different language: English, Spanish, French, German. You do not have to
be very fancy, but be sure to disable caching in each document.
<meta http_equiv="pragma" contents="no-cache">
In srm.conf, create a new alias named language to the hw4 directory
Using the two Listen directives, allow your server to respond to both
Create a new configuration file for your virtual host named vh_access.conf
in the ~/COP3832/server/conf directory. You can just copy your access.conf
file to it
cp access.conf vh_access.conf
Edit access.conf to disallow content negotiation in the
language location for your original port.
Edit vh_access.conf
allow content negotiation in the language location.
limit access to tim.cs.fiu.edu and downeyt.cs.fiu.edu for your
entire virtual document root
Use the VirtualHost directive to allow the following for your virtual
Set the document root to vh_data
Set the access configuration file to vh_access.conf
Set the directory index to vh_3832.html
Language negotiation for English, Spanish, French, German.
Have different
error messages for your virtual host for errors 403, 404, 500.
Create a bitmap file that looks something like this. Use colors of your own
choice. Pick basic colors. You don't have to limit yourself to rectangles.
You may use circles and polygons, too. Be creative. You can use Windows Paint
or Paintbrush to create a BMP file. You may also use any other image editor
of your choice.
Upload the file to your hw4 directory.
Make a copy of it as a .gif file, with no transparent colors.
Make a montage of thumbnails of all 6 files. Each thumbnail should be
one fourth the size of the original.
Make 5 more copies as different .gif files. Each file should choose a different
color to be transparent. The command to change a GIF file to a PNM file is
giftopnm, not giftoppm. The following command would make the transparent
color equal to white.
giftopnm colors.gif | ppmquant 256 | ppmtogif -transparent
#FFFFFF > white.gif
The command ppmquant makes sure that there are only 256 colors
in the new image.
Create a file named frame.html that contains a frameset
The left frame should be named "menu". Make it wide enough to display your
entire .gif file that has no transparent colors. Do not allow resizing.
The right frame should be called "Content". It should be as wide as the remainder
of the page. Allow scrolling.
The menu frame should point to an html page that displays the
non-transparent GIF file twice: one above the other.
Create a client side image map for the top GIF. Whichever color is selected,
the GIF with that transparent color should appear in the contents
Create a server side image map for the bottom GIF. Whichever color is selected,
the GIF with that transparent color should appear in the contents
Create a page named table.html in your hw4 directory that has
a layout like this. Use rowspan, colspan, height, and width as needed.
Give each table element a different background color.
<td bgcolor="ffffff">
You can align text in a row or cell by using the valign attribute
<tr valign=top>
<td valign=top>
Other choices are middle and bottom.
Be creative. Put some text, headings, lists, images, etc in the page.
Home Pages
Create a home page named 3832.html in your personal directory.
It doesn't have to be fancy. Create links in it that will generate errors
403, 404, 500.
Create a different home page name vh_3832.html in your personal
directory. It doesn't have to be fancy, just different than 3832.html. Create
links in it that will generate errors 403, 404, 500.