COP3832, Spring 2000, Assignment 6
Due Wednesday, April 12 at the start of class
Create an HTML page that will perform the following using JavaScript. When
the form is submitted, have the action be
Create a link, an associated drop down list, and an associated, single check
The default selected option should be "Please select a destination". If this
option is still selected when the link is clicked, then display a warning
and do not follow the link.
Choose some HREFs that are on your server (like cgi, ssi, etc).
When the drop down list changes, then do one of the following, depending
on the state of the checkbox
Box is checked: Jump to the new page immediately, unless the default selected
is chosen.
Box is not checked: Change the HREF of the link to the URL of the page selected.
Create a list of checkboxes and an associated text area.
When the form is submitted, fill the textarea with a list of the boxes that
are checked.
When the form is submitted, verify that at least two boxes have been checked.
If not, then display a warning message and do not submit the data to the
form's action.
Create a list of radio buttons for colors. Pick some colors that you like.
Do not have a default color selected.
When the form is submitted, change the background color to the color that
has been selected.
When the form is submitted, verify that a color has been selected. If not,
then display a warning message and do not submit the data to the form's action.
Create an image roll-over effect. When the mouse moves over the image, change
the image to a different image. When the mouse moves off the image, restore
the original.
Preload the images.
When the mouse moves over the image, display a message in the status bar
appropriate to this image. After 5 seconds the message should disappear.
When the mouse moves off the image, display a message in the status bar
appropriate to the original image. After 5 seconds the message should disappear.
If the mouse is moved off the image (or back onto it) before 5 seconds, then
display the message for the current image. However, if the image stays the
same, then be sure that the message appears for 5 seconds, not shorter. You
will have to see what happens when you move the mouse on and off the image
a few times: see how long the message lasts.
Implement Forward and Back buttons. you may just use text labels, or you
may use images.
Forward: move forward in the browser's history list.
Backward: move backward in the browser's history list.
Have a Student Number field.
When the form is submitted, be sure that the Student Number is in the format
999999999 or 999-99-9999. These are the only acceptable formats. If the field
is not either of these formats then display a warning message and do not
submit the data to the form's action.
Have fun.