COP3832, Spring 2001, Assignment 2

Due Wednesday 2/7 at the start of class.

To hand in the assignment, do the following

  1. Hand in a printout of the source code for the hw2.html file.
  2. Also, send me an e-mail message with the URL of your home page when the assignment is ready to be graded.
  3. Upload a copy of the hw2.html file using the ~downeyt/cs/public/webftp/ program from mongoose.

It is imperative that you do not allow anyone else to have access to the hw2.html file.

Please do this assignment on If you cannot access mongoose, then try Let me know if you do not have access to mongoose.

Set up a web site on

Create an HTML page on mongoose named hw2.html that is generated dynamically using JavaScript. The page should do the following:

Some useful functions from JavaScript