COP3832, Assignment 5

Due 4/3 at the start of class.

You may NOT use for this assignment.

Upload the following files and hand in printouts of each:

  1. language.cgi
  2. validate.cgi

Create a new directory on your site named hw5. Add a .3832access file to the directory. Create it with the usual contents.

Create eight files in the hw5 directory of your server

Allow language negotiation

Create a script that will have the same effect as language negotiation. However, the script takes care of all the details, it will not use the server's language negotiation abilities. Name the script language.cgi.

Create a script that contains a form and validates the fields as described below. Do not use JavaScript to validate, use server side scripting with Perl. Name the script validate.cgi.

Create a file named hw5.html in your hw5 directory on your server.