import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class GUI extends Panel implements ActionListener { public GUI( ) { makeTheObjects( ); doTheLayout( ); theDrawButton.addActionListener( this ); } // Make all the objects private void makeTheObjects( ) { theCanvas = new GUICanvas( ); theCanvas.setBackground( Color.white ); theCanvas.setSize( 100, 100 ); theShape = new Choice( ); theShape.add( "Circle" ); theShape.add( "Square" ); theColor = new List( 2, false ); theColor.add( "red" ); theColor.add( "blue" ); 0 ); // make red default theXCoor = new TextField( 5 ); theYCoor = new TextField( 5 ); CheckboxGroup theSize = new CheckboxGroup( ); smallPic = new Checkbox( "Small", theSize, false ); mediumPic = new Checkbox( "Medium", theSize, true ); largePic = new Checkbox( "Large", theSize, false ); theFillBox = new Checkbox( "Fill" ); theFillBox.setState( false ); theDrawButton = new Button( "Draw" ); theMessage = new TextField( 25 ); theMessage.setEditable( false ); } // Layout all the objects private void doTheLayout( ) { Panel topHalf = new Panel( ); Panel bottomHalf = new Panel( ); // Layout the top half topHalf.setLayout( new FlowLayout( ) ); topHalf.add( theCanvas ); topHalf.add( new Label( "Shape" ) ); topHalf.add( theShape ); topHalf.add( theColor ); topHalf.add( new Label( "X coor" ) ); topHalf.add( theXCoor ); topHalf.add( new Label( "Y coor" ) ); topHalf.add( theYCoor ); // Layout the bottom half bottomHalf.setLayout( new FlowLayout( ) ); bottomHalf.add( smallPic ); bottomHalf.add( mediumPic ); bottomHalf.add( largePic ); bottomHalf.add( theFillBox ); bottomHalf.add( theDrawButton ); bottomHalf.add( theMessage ); // Now layout GUI setLayout( new BorderLayout( ) ); add( topHalf, "North" ); add( bottomHalf, "South" ); } public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent evt ) { try { theCanvas.setParams( theShape.getSelectedItem( ), theColor.getSelectedItem( ), Integer.parseInt( theXCoor.getText( ) ), Integer.parseInt( theYCoor.getText( ) ), smallPic.getState( ) ? 0 : mediumPic.getState( ) ? 1 : 2, theFillBox.getState( ) ); theMessage.setText( "" ); } catch( Exception e ) { theMessage.setText( "Incomplete input" ); } } private GUICanvas theCanvas; private Choice theShape; private List theColor; private TextField theXCoor; private TextField theYCoor; private Checkbox smallPic; private Checkbox mediumPic; private Checkbox largePic; private Checkbox theFillBox; private Button theDrawButton; private TextField theMessage; }